

Jeudi 15 juillet 2010 à 9:54

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According to a U.S. study, the navel, a key center of gravity of the body, explains the dominance of blacks in the running and swimming in white. It's a question a little disturbing, however, be clear who has returned to forefront in recent days with the performance of Christophe Lemaitre. The French became the first "White" is a fact, to go under 10 seconds at one hundred meters. What is the color of skin got to do with it? Sportingly, nothing. Sociologically, either. It's just a fact, which feeds many fantasies, more or less healthy for decades: the main runners are black and white are great swimmers. Pictures of Eric Moussambani Guinea at the Sydney Olympics in 2000, almost drowned at the end of the race, toured the world to supply certainty. Adrian Bejan, Professor at Duke University in South Carolina, thinks he has found The key to these mysteries that titillate more or less avowed sports fans. His answer is scientific. This is the navel of everyone who decides to die at all. And more precisely its position, which means the center of gravity of each athlete. If two runners and two swimmers of the same size, a Black and White, are compared, "size does not matter, but the position of their navel or center of gravity of the body makes the difference", confirms the author of study, published in the International Journal of Design and Nature and EcoDynamics. "A hidden benefit" "size in the physiology of the riders of West African origin, the center of gravity of the body is significantly higher than their competitors European origin, "he says. Result: these individuals have an advantage in the sprint. They have longer legs than those from Europe. Their belly is three inches higher than among whites. This difference gives the black athletes "a hidden size" of 3% of whites that resulted in a gain speed on the runway. "Locomotion is essentially a continuous process of falling forward, and a body falling from above, falls faster," adds the researcher. The whites can retaliate in the pool. They have the advantage because they have a longer torso than black Africans, implying that their navel is lower. "Swimming is the art of surfing the wave created by the swimmer, said Adrian Bejan. The swimmer who made the biggest wave advance faster and his torso is long wave is more important." Now, he says, "Europeans have a torso on average 3% longer than that of blacks in West Africa which gives them a speed advantage of 1.5% in a pool. And Asians? They have twisted as long as the Europeans but they are smaller. They lose the advantage of speed.
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